
Climate Change Adaptation Planning

The Samish Climate Adaptation Working Group, comprised of Samish tribal members, Council members and staff members, is leading this effort.

Climate Change Working Group

Name  Role
Leslie Eastwood Tribal member, General Manager
Dana Matthews Council Secretary, Health and Human Services Director
Jackie Ferry Cultural Director/Tribal Historic Preservation Officer
Toby McLeod Tribal Member, Natural Resources Department

Project Staff

Name Role
Todd Woodard Director, Natural Resources Department
TBD Climate Adaptation Specialist

Progress to Date

Phase One of the project has been completed and has generated the following three documents that will help to guide the next steps of the process:

Climate Adaptation
Planning Framework 
Climate Change
State of Scientific Knowledge
Climate Change
Planning Prioritie
Available for download here.
Available for download here.
Summary available for download here.
Full report available for download here.

Phase Two is starting and is anticipated to proceed by the following schedule:



Anticipated Schedule

Vulnerability and risk assessment

Perform Vulnerability and risk assessments of impacted/potentially impacted sectors of importance


Goals and objectives

SMART resilience goals for high priority sectors set


Adaptation Actions

Research, develop, assess and select Resilience actions


Samish Climate Resiliency Plan

Samish Climate Resiliency Plan adopted by Tribal Council and mainstreamed across all Tribal programs



Annual work plan and monitoring efforts
