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Book Club: Indians of the Pacific Northwest - Virtual

6 April, 2023, 6 PM-7:30 PM
Chelángen Department

Join us for a discussion of “Indians of the Pacific Northwest: From the Coming of the White Man to the Present Day” by Vine Deloria Jr. Available in eBook and print, also available at the Samish Library.

Please email RSVP@samishtribe.nsn.us to join the Book Club email list! Book Club members will receive invitations to all discussions and can choose which to attend. 

Prior to the onslaught of the Europeans, the Puget Sound area was one of the most heavily populated regions north of Mexico City. The Native Americans who lived there enjoyed a bounty of seafood, waterfowl, and berries, which they expertly collected and preserved. Detailing the associated culture, technologies, and techniques, Vine Deloria Jr. explains in depth this veritable paradise and its ultimate demise. Deloria speaks with a measure of sadness, outrage, and hope, writing a moving account of the Pacific Northwest Indians' struggle that began with the arrival of the white settlers and continues today.

Indians of the Pacific Northwest book cover