Climate Change Resource List The resources and links listed below provide additional information and sources on climate change issues: Samish Indian Nation Reports:
Local/Regional Resources & Links: Research: Skagit Climate Science Consortium University of Washington Climate Impacts Group Washington Sea Grant Salish Sea Ecosystem Conference North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative Northwest Climate Hub
Policies or Plans: Washington State Department of Ecology Skagit County National Resources & Links: Research: National Climate Assessment U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NASA Tribal Links: Pacific Northwest Tribal Climate Change Project Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians Bureau of Indian Affairs Institute of Tribal Environmental Professionals Other Information Sources: Seattle Time's Sea Change Series
Samish DNR Phone: (360) 726-3155 E-mail Samish DNR
Anacortes, WA
Bow, WA